End of July Fishing Report


End of July Fishing Report,

This has been an unpredictable summer. We’ve gone through hot streaks, and heavy down pours. The trout fishing after the rain has been pretty good. The big rivers are still off color, but the freestones have been dropping into great clarity and wading flows. That looks like it will change as this weekend approaches.  The extended forecast down here in the valley is calling for consecutive days in the mid to upper 80’s and even low 90’s. The overnight lows are hovering right around the 70 degree mark. If this pattern stays true I would expect many rivers to approach dangerous levels for catch and release trout fishing. Some of the more shaded and smaller streams up in the mountains could still be in play for brookie fishing. Be sure to carry and check the water temperatures regularly throughout the day. It’s not uncommon for a river to rise 3 or 4 degree in an afternoon. 

In terms of bugs summer time is hopper, ant and beetle season. After the big rain events you can expect to see some stoneflies on the rocks. We just got a big restock of flies, leaders and tippet so if you’re in the need of some gear or want to talk fishing stop on by. 

Previous Reports


It appears summer has arrived here in central Vermont! What a great time to be outside, I have packed my waders away for the season and most likely won’t take them back out till the fall. For those of you that like to wet wade a good pair of gravel guard socks and quick dry pants are priceless. I like to wear the same boots when I wet wade; these gravel guard socks will fill the same void as your thicker wader booties.


We’re just a few days away from the 16th Otter Creek Classic. There is still time to sign up and grab some support stickers. We have some awesome prizes to give away at the BBQ this Sunday. When I think back to previous OCC tournaments high and cold water seems to be a trend; baring a big rain event this year will be much different. Over this week depending on the river system temperatures have ranged from the mid 40’s to mid 50’s. The mayflies I’ve seen hatching seem to prefer the cloudy/overcast drizzly days. Bug activity seems to peak in the early afternoons.


March FIshing Report

While it may seem like spring has arrived, the last couple years has brought some of the best snow in the month of March. As I write this my weather app is calling for a half inch of rain today. This will bring high off color water for most of our rivers in central Vermont. Use extra caution if you haven’t fished yet this year. With all the flooding seen over the last year many of our rivers have changed. Gravel bars and other places you may have previously crossed may no longer exist. 


February 2024 Fishing Report,

Welcome to the first fishing report of 2024! As in years past the fishing regulations have changed to allow for much more catch and release fishing during the winter months. The state does have several special regulation rivers so be sure you double check that the spot you plan to fish is in fact open prior to wetting a line. 


Fishing Update: water on the small tributaries is dropping. Clarity is perfect for streamers. Try the best you can to keep your boots dry to avoid walking on or above spawning redds. 
The nymphing game can also be great with higher flows. Think heavy junk flies, I will usually fish two opposite colored flies on the same rig. Something bright and obnoxious paired with something more natural. Stop in the shop to stock up before the flows jump with the rain forecasted for this weekend.  

General Fishing Report for October 17, 2023

Trout fishing is still good out there, although some fish are starting to make the trek towards the slow side of the current seams.  Nymphs are still producing, with some small tan caddis and Blue Winged Olives hatching (mostly on cloudy days, when the air temp warms a bit).

General Fishing Report For October 6, 2023


General Fishing Report September 10, 2023


General Fishing Report for July 1 2023.

Conditions on our local trout rivers have been helped immensely by recent rains.  Not only does this allow the fish to spread out a bit and have access to lots of food, but regular rain events help keep the water cool.  However, do the fish a favor and keep taking those water temperatures.  Mornings have been the coolest, no surprise there.  Future forecast looks to be similar, warm days, but with showers and thunderstorms, perhaps a bit cooler towards next weekend. 


General Fishing Report for June 14 2023.